Sales Coaching
perfect planning & consulting

Sales training for your employees is essential for the success of your company.
Communication at the customer contact determines the target-oriented sales process.
Various factors have a positive effect on the partnership-based customer relationship.
This is based on well-trained employees who can act and react confidentially and competently in dealing with the customers.
It is not enough to know something
The knowledge also has to be applied
It is not enough to intend to do something
It also has to be done J.W.Goethe
A selection of topics shows you a part of many possibilities in alphabetical order:
– active listening, correctly talking on phone, phone sale
– argumentation techniques
– call center/ service center techniques
– closing techniques
– coaching on the Job
– communication training
– construction and strategy of sales talks
– customer care and loyalty
– customer orientation / customer service
– customer Satisfaction Skills
– difficult situations conversation
– handling objections / benefit argumentation
– inbound / outbound
– motivation and stress management
– principles and meaning of telemarketing
– principles of conversation
– quality on the phone
– questioning technique
– rules of sale
– self motivation
– team-management, teamworking
a free consultation
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