
Market Research

perfect planning & consulting

The best advertising starts with smart and comprehensive market research. Market segmentation is of crucial value and it is what we do very often at Roy Consulting & Implementation. By dividing a market into distinct and specific sub-groups, we ensure that our clients can pinpoint their target audience and plan their new products and marketing communications accordingly.

Nowadays it is not sufficient to only conduct demographic analysis and tell who is doing what. Many consulting companies can provide psychographic analysis and examine why certain customers behaved like they did.

We at Roy Consulting & Implementation not only offer grouping individuals into categories, but we go further and answer important questions, like:

• What would change a consumer’s denial into an approval?

• What factors influence and predict their behaviour?

• What would happen if the marketing approach to one of these factors was changed?

Roy Consulting & Implementation has the ability to help identify precisely who the customers of a company really are, where they are, what their attitudes, habits and preferences are and we help to predict their future behaviour. For some clients, we develop customised segments or mirror their own segmentation with ours. From our database, we will even show companies how best they can reach their customers, from their favourite magazines, most loved TV shows to their web browsing and social networking habits.

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